Short Research Outlines

1. Together with J. David Velleman I have been working on a book about the SS-judge Konrad Morgen with the title “A Fanatic for Justice. The Case of SS-Judge Konrad Morgen”. The book is under review.
2. I am working on a book about law and morality in the Third Reich, with the title: Distortions of Normativity. Law and Morality in the Third Reich.
3. I am currently working on a paper on a comparison between contractarianism and Kantian contractualism.
4. The collection "Rechtfertigungen des Unrechts. Das Rechtsdenken im Nationalsozialismus" (co-edited with Julian Fink) has been published (Suhrkamp 2014, stw 2043).
5. My article “A Constitutive Account of Group Agency” has appeared with Erkenntnis (April 2014): (DOI) 10.1007/s10670-014-9632-y.
My papers are available at:

My work is primarily on theories of practical reasons, in action theory,
and in normative ethics. Practical reasons are the leitmotif that connects the different topics I've been expounding (e.g. buck-passing accounts of value, the paradox of deontology, promissory obligation). The focus of my current research is on action theory and moral psychology (intentions, responsibility, moral luck).
In 2013-14, I received a mid-career fellowship from the British Academy. I have been working on intentions: what they are; how they relate to the reasons for which we act, whether they are morally significant, and, if so, whether the doctrine of double effect captures how they affect moral evaluation.
In 2014-15, as part of the ERC funded project Distortions of Normativity, I will be pulling together some of the research I have doing recently, working on a book-length exploration of the relation of intentions, reasons and the reasons for which we act.
Information about my publications is available here:
My website is here:

I am a Kant scholar by training and have published a number of articles on Kant's practical philosophy.
My publications can be found here:
I am currently working on four work in progress articles exploring normative aspects of Kant’s moral, legal and meta-ethical theory. I will be presenting preliminary versions of these articles in several academic conferences.
My upcoming academic presentations can be found here:
My personal homepage:

My current work is focused on reviving a number of once popular, but currently out of favour, views in moral philosophy: hedonism about welfare, welfarism about value, the evaluative conception of desire (‘the guise of the good’), and consequentialism about blameworthiness/moral responsibility.
My website is here:
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Wien